Here we talk about the Vendor's side of the app:
The Vendor Homepage contains a fragment that displays the corresponding layout of the item clicked in the sidebar. As soon as the vendor is logged in OutletMenu Fragment is called which displays the menu of the vendor's outlet, where the vendor and add, update and delete items from his menu.
Based on the customer's requirements and usability, we have developed an exclusive set of fragments and an activity.
OutletMenu: This fragment will be called default after the vendor is logged in. It displays the menu of the vendor's outlet. It contains a recycler view, which populates itself using outletMenu_adapter by querying the Menu corresponding to the vendor's outlet in the Database using Firebase UI. The vendor also has the option to edit and delete items from the existing menu. When the vendor clicks on the edit option, a Dialog using DialogPlus class is built and the current values are retrieved from the databases and set to the EditText. Upon performing the necessary changes, we call the updateChildren function to update the menu to the new values. When the vendor clicks on the delete option, a dialog pops us using the AlertDialog, to confirm the deletion of an item from the menu.
AddItem: When the vendor wants to add a new item to the menu, he clicks on the FloatingAction Button on the bottom right, whereupon an intent is sent to open the AddItem activity. This takes in the input of the Name, Price and URL of the picture of the new item to be added. On Clicking Add button, it gets stored in the Database.
TransactionHistory_Vendor: This fragment displays information regarding the previous orders received by the vendor. It displays the Phone Number of the Customer, Total Amount and the Transaction ID of the order. This fragment contains a recycler view, which populates itself using TransactionHistory_Vendor_Adapter by querying the Transaction History details of the particular outlet using Firebase UI.
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